CommonLibSSE NG
This is the complete list of members for RE::hkpShapeCollectionFilter, including all inherited members.
IsCollisionEnabled1(const hkpCollisionInput &a_input, const hkpCdBody &a_bodyA, const hkpCdBody &a_bodyB, const hkpShapeContainer &a_shapeB, hkpShapeKey a_key) const =0 | RE::hkpShapeCollectionFilter | pure virtual |
IsCollisionEnabled2(const hkpCollisionInput &a_input, const hkpCdBody &a_bodyA, const hkpCdBody &a_bodyB, const hkpShapeContainer &a_shapeA, const hkpShapeContainer &a_shapeB, hkpShapeKey a_keyA, hkpShapeKey a_keyB) const =0 | RE::hkpShapeCollectionFilter | pure virtual |
NumShapeKeyHitsLimitBreached(const hkpCollisionInput &a_input, const hkpCdBody &a_bodyA, const hkpCdBody &a_bodyB, const hkpBvTreeShape *a_shapeB, hkAabb &a_AABB, hkpShapeKey *a_shapeKeysInOut, std::int32_t a_shapeKeysCapacity) const =0 | RE::hkpShapeCollectionFilter | pure virtual |
RTTI | RE::hkpShapeCollectionFilter | inlinestatic |
VTABLE | RE::hkpShapeCollectionFilter | inlinestatic |
~hkpShapeCollectionFilter() | RE::hkpShapeCollectionFilter | virtual |